Friday, December 12, 2008

The mau.lang.*; library

import mau.*;

public class LOVELESS ^`¨{

public static void main (String args [])


To be alone: infinite gratitude. Lonely in this world, without love, without brain. Brainless and Loveless, excellent mixture of elements that destroy your soul and show you the way to the highway of the disgrace. How much can you stand with a broken heart ? How much can you stand when your life seems to be at the edge of the insanity? How much can you stand when you know the answer and the core problem of all your suffering and you cannot do anything about it? Without love, without God, without hope....................................................................................................................................................................................without brain.......................................................................................without LoVe ----> without love <------- , love, evol, l, o v, e, e, e, e, e, e, e, e, e, e, e, e, e, e, e, e, e,



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